Temperature Rise Testing
Weber have taken the initiative to install & commission an in-house temperature rise testing laboratory & can offer type tested LV assemblies to the AS/NZS 61439. Weber can verify LV switchboard assemblies up to 3200A depending on configuration. Please contact our sales team for more information: sales@webersouthpacific.com.au
Manufactured Products


LV Assemblies - Padmount

LV Assemblies - Chamber Substations

Secondary Systems for Zone Substations

Vertical Fuse Switches

Horizontal Fuse Switches

Fuse Switch Accesories

LV Bonding/Earthing Bypass Products

Din Blade Fuses


Battery Isolators

Generator Connection Kits

Electricty Network LV Monitoring

Current Transformers
How to contact us
07 3841 6899
07 3841 6877
18 McKechnie Drive
Brisbane Technology Park
PO Box 4264, Eight Mile Plains
Brisbane Queensland,
4113 Australia